AOF Vestlandet-Agder has developed a new vocational school programme – Offshore Wind for the Supplier Industry, which consists of three modules of 10 credits each. The modules can be taken independently or together. Two key people in the development of this programme have been John Sverre Rønnevik at Deep Wind Offshore and Grete Rydningen Møgster, business developer. Their perspective and commitment have been crucial in shaping this exciting programme that will help to prepare the region and the country for the offshore wind adventure that lies ahead.
The offshore wind adventure on Utsira
Utsira Nord represents a future-oriented project for floating offshore wind development in Norway, strategically located approximately 6.5 kilometres west of Utsira. With strong wind resources and favourable geological conditions, Utsira North is a key entry point for Norway into the growing international floating offshore wind market. Utsira North has a planned capacity of up to 1,500 MW and is expected to deliver electricity by 2030. Through collaboration with local and international partners, the project has the potential to create significant employment opportunities and contribute to Norway’s global role as a leader in renewable energy.
– We must recognise that Utsira North is the world’s largest floating offshore wind project to be established in our region, putting Utsira on the map as both pilot and host municipality. Together, we can ensure that Norway becomes a global offshore wind nation and that the region becomes the offshore wind region. “It’s unique and exciting to be involved in building up this new offshore industry. We need to secure the right expertise in order to establish a new offshore industry. The “Offshore wind for the supplier industry” programme could contribute to a regional competitive advantage by attracting the best minds and the best hands. – Grete
“The world needs more and more energy, and most players want green, sustainable energy. “Norway is an energy nation built on oil, gas and hydropower, where there is fantastic expertise,” emphasises John Sverre, “but the world needs more and more energy. “We can’t sit on our hands and wait for oil to run out, we have to throw ourselves into the offshore wind adventure and that starts with building expertise. The focus on offshore wind will not only create jobs directly related to the development, construction and operation of offshore wind farms, but will also have spin-off effects in other sectors, such as energy tourism and research.
– “The people who work in the oil industry today may need other jobs in the future, and we’re not talking about our grandchildren, but about people who are alive and working today who need to make that conversion. This means that they need to be replenished with expertise, regardless of what role they will have in the future. It doesn’t mean that the oil industry is being shut down, but that we should expand our energy portfolio. There will be a need for everything from mechanics to lawyers, even those who don’t have a job to go to today can find a place here. – John Sverre.
– We could possibly experience a shortage of skills and labour. Letting talent go to waste because of exclusion is what I would call socio-economic waste. By embracing diversity and including those with gaps in their CVs in the Havvind education programme for the supply industry, we are not only investing in individuals, but in the future and innovative power of society as a whole. The programme can thus open doors for many. – Grete.
Competing to become an offshore wind nation
Competition in offshore wind is global, with countries such as the UK, Belgium and all of Asia already building their own offshore wind adventures. Norway has the opportunity to become the best in floating offshore wind, and must seize the opportunity to take a leading role in this development. This requires not only investments in technology and infrastructure, but also in education and competence building. John Sverre emphasises the importance of acting now to ensure that the necessary expertise is available when the development of the offshore wind farm really takes off. “Offshore wind not only represents a new way of producing energy, but also an opportunity to realign and rig Norway’s economy for the future. Recently, Ventyr SN II AS won the auction to develop the first offshore wind farm on the Norwegian continental shelf, in the Southern North Sea II area. This marks a milestone in Norway’s offshore wind programme and represents a significant step forward in our offshore wind development.
– With operational experience and expertise from oil and gas, Norway will have a competitive advantage. The region is a world leader in the maritime sector, we are good at maritime operations and are already winning tenders within petroleum because we are good at HSE. By focusing on maritime safety, technology and sustainability in combination with a forward-looking and adaptable region, we can secure the leadership jersey – everyone must be involved. – Grete

John Sverre Rønnevik
John Sverre Rønnevik is Head of Sustainability at Deep Wind Offshore, an international offshore wind development company headquartered in Haugesund, Norway. John Sverre has a varied background from the oil industry and the military and an educational background that includes drilling operator trades, a master’s degree in both political science and climate change management, as well as a bachelor’s degree in military studies. He also teaches in the vocational school programme Health, Safety and Environment at AOF Vestlandet-Agder.
Who should take the offshore wind training modules?
The programme is designed for those who have a vocational background as a foundation, and here the vocational school plays an important role by covering the gap between vocational certificates and higher education. Nevertheless, John Sverre and Grete are clear in their opinion: “everyone” should take this programme. The curriculum fits into a larger picture of the offshore wind industry’s development and needs.
John Sverre emphasises that the programme is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of professional background. He emphasises that the first module, “Introduction to offshore wind”, is suitable for a broad target group and will give the student a good understanding of the offshore wind industry and the tribal language of the industry. The module will ensure a smoother transition for anyone who wants to work in offshore wind. Grete emphasises the importance of understanding the industry across all sectors and roles. From business leaders to skilled operators, everyone will have a role to play in the offshore wind industry. Expertise needs range from project management to electrical and welding operations. The programme will also be relevant for professionals in technologies such as ROV, drones and maintenance.
“Floating offshore wind is a new industry and will require the development of new expertise built on previous experience. With a background in maritime law, emergency preparedness and investigation, an understanding of how our oceans are governed and operated will be important. Module 2 focuses on the legal aspects of offshore wind and is essential to ensure that future managers and other professionals are well equipped to navigate the complexities of maritime regulations, promote sustainable development and strengthen a good HSE culture, also in offshore wind.” – Grete
Are you curious about offshore wind? Regardless of your professional background or experience, there is a need to understand and contribute to the development of the offshore wind industry. The Offshore Wind for the Supply Industry programme represents not only an opportunity to gain new skills, but also the chance to shape the energy sector of the future in a sustainable and innovative way. Grete also emphasises the opportunities for innovation and new thinking that this programme can bring. “New industrial adventures don’t have all the answers in advance; there will be a need for those who see solutions to problems and challenges. This programme may provide you with new knowledge that can help you see new and innovative solutions for the industry of the future. Many new solutions can come from different professional backgrounds, and this diversity can enrich the industry.
“I have a motto in life, which is to have fun along the way. Designing a curriculum that allows for engaging and interesting discussions and perspectives makes the whole process exciting. It should be fun to take this programme and I think that AOF Vestlandet-Agder facilitates for the student to have fun along the way.” – Grete
Put yourself on the interest list!
The vocational school programme Offshore Wind for the supplier industry has been developed by AOF Vestlandet-Agder, which has assembled a skilled planning group consisting of Grete Rydningen Møgster, business developer in Offshore Wind, John Sverre Rønnevik at Deep Wind Offshore, Mads Arild Vedøy at RWE Renewables Norway AS and Einar Tollaksvik at Saga Subsea AS. Together, they have developed three modules in offshore wind, totalling 30 credits.
The programme, Offshore wind for the supplier industry, will be set up in classrooms in Haugesund and as an online study. You can already join our interest list to be notified when the programme is set up!
Comment from Einar Tollaksvik at Saga Subsea AS
This education is important because supply chains are being established at a rapid pace in Europe. In many European countries, we are already seeing large fixed offshore wind farms established, and the auctions for the first floating ones have begun. The developer companies are attracting the necessary expertise and suppliers for execution, and if our skilled workers in various disciplines in Norway are to be attractive for work in Europe, we need to be at the forefront in terms of expertise.
This education is therefore just as important for the export market as it is for our future domestic market, simply because it is on the basis of solid and good expertise and innovative solutions that we win work internationally. Look, for example, at the large maritime contractors who win major contracts in the oil and gas market in West Africa. They don’t win these contracts because they are the cheapest on price, it’s because they have the best expertise, are the most efficient and have the best innovative solutions and zero vision when it comes to accidents. The same principle also applies to offshore wind and all other maritime contracts.
The education is therefore a direct contribution to making our local companies and Norwegian workers attractive to the international labour market.
Comment from Mads Arild Vedøy at RWE Renewables Norway AS
As one of the world’s largest offshore wind developers, we aim to contribute to the growth of a local supplier industry and to build up the necessary expertise for offshore wind projects in the countries where we operate. We therefore signed a letter of intent with AOF Vestlandet at an early stage to help support the establishment of an offshore wind programme – particularly for Utsira Nord, but also for future projects.
Norway’s rich offshore history offers an ideal springboard for the ambitious offshore wind initiative that is planned, and a forward-looking, innovative supplier industry is crucial to realising this potential. It has been incredibly rewarding to be part of the development of this study programme, which will offer local skills development and strengthen the already globally recognised expertise we have here in Norway.
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