We are introducing the vocational school programme, «Practical Management» – an education for skilled workers in management roles at middle management level and in other management roles to gain even better skills to manage people and achieve good results. This expertise is in demand in the business world.
Developed based on business needs
AOF Vestlandet-Agder is always responsive to businesses and their need for expertise. The signals from the public and private sectors are that there is a shortage of personnel with the right skills in the market. As a result, the level of the organisation is shifting upwards, which means that skilled workers are being given increased responsibility and taking on new roles at middle management level. With the new tasks and responsibilities that come with the new role, it will be necessary to have training that provides the expertise required in management roles.
Practical management – 90 credits.
«Practical Management» provides 90 credits and is a sought-after vocational school programme in management that the local and regional labour market needs. This is a relevant further education programme for skilled workers with management responsibilities, including project management and personnel management. The programme aims to provide expertise in management at a middle management level.
As the level in companies is often shifted upwards, the programme will include methods and specific tools for handling the transition from colleague to manager, as well as extensive knowledge of personnel management with an emphasis on relationship building and mutual trust. The programme will also provide knowledge of HSE, financial management and expertise in understanding the company itself – its goals and values.
Who is the programme for?
The programme has been developed for skilled workers from public and private organisations who want further education in management, to renew and supplement their expertise in their area of work and responsibility as managers. This requires new tools to handle the new challenges. That’s why we’re developing a formal vocational school programme for these skilled workers who are in various management roles, as the available management programmes are typically at bachelor’s and master’s level.
The programme is designed to safeguard skilled workers who already hold positions with responsibility for tasks for which they do not have formal expertise, and to provide good skills that can be used in working life without further training.
Join our interest list now to be notified when the programme is set up near you!
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