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Technology and industrial subjects
The theory for the vocational test in technology and industry covers a number of subject areas within the technology and industry sector.

Technological and industrial subjects cover several subject areas in upper secondary school and lead to completed theory in a number of subjects. You can find all the subjects on the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training’s website.
Technology and industrial subjects involve practical work with various materials, tools, techniques and machines to produce goods and services. The programme subjects are about communicating and interacting in the workshop and other learning arenas and following current regulations for health, safety and the environment at work.
Furthermore, the programme subjects involve safeguarding the external environment by emphasising sustainability and technological development. The programme subjects will help to develop independent and adaptable skilled workers with a basic understanding of chemistry, materials, electrical engineering, mechanics, programming, robotics, automation and transport in line with the needs of society and working life.
The core element technology is about technological devices, drawings, tools and programming. It is also about using digital applications for monitoring, troubleshooting, optimising and repairing machines and equipment, and about adopting new solutions and technology.
Production and documentation
The core element production and documentation is about design, production of goods and services, operation and maintenance. Furthermore, the core element is about using documentation and quality as an integral part of the work processes before, during and after the production of goods and services.
The core element interaction is about communicating professional explanations and justifications as well as choices and solutions at different levels. Furthermore, the core element is about communicating and interacting with people from different backgrounds and cultures at school, in the workplace and in society at large.
Health, safety and environment
The health, safety and environment core element is about performing work tasks in line with current regulations in the production of products and services. The core element is about being able to recognise connections between quality and safety, resource management, reputation and the industry’s impact on the external environment. Furthermore, it is about being able to recognise the risk of physical and psychological challenges that students may encounter in a working environment.
Course overview
Kjemiprosessfaget Vg3
Kjemiprosessfaget Vg3
Grafisk produksjonsteknikk Vg3
Logistikkfaget Vg3
Matrosfaget Vg3
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