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Offshore wind for the supplier industry
Offshore wind training modules for the supply industry are tailored to meet the growing demand for expertise in the offshore wind sector. Combining theoretical knowledge with practical insights, the modules are designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of offshore wind.

Offshore wind training modules for the supply industry are tailored to meet the growing demand for expertise in the offshore wind sector. Combining theoretical knowledge with practical insights, the modules are designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of offshore wind. This includes basic introduction and more advanced topics in technology, operations, environmental considerations, and market opportunities.
Upon completion of these modules, students will be left with a robust understanding of the key areas of the offshore wind industry, as well as practical skills that can be directly applied in the labour market. They will be equipped to face the industry with innovative thinking and a solution-orientated approach, ready to contribute to Norway’s and the world’s green transition.
NB! Admission will be on a rolling basis until the start date or until the class is full.
Organisation of training
– The modules can be conducted as location-based or web-based. Select your preferred location for the module to see how it is planned to be delivered in your area.
– Three modules have been developed within the subject area, each module is worth 10 credits and can be taken individually. It is recommended to take the modules in order if the student wants to take more than one module.
– Completed module gives 10 credits.
The module is suitable for
The target audience is skilled workers in the oil, gas and maritime industries, as well as technical and business-orientated students looking towards renewable energy. It also includes industrial workers seeking retraining, entrepreneurs looking for new opportunities, local communities close to future offshore wind projects, and decision-makers seeking insight into the potential of offshore wind.
Each module ends with an exam. The type of exam is stated in the individual module plan.
The modules can also be taken as a course, in which case the exam is cancelled and you will not receive credits for completing the module. Upon completion, you will receive a course certificate.
1a. Hva er havvind?
1b. Livssyklus for havvind – overordnet
1c. Sikkerhet og sikring, beredskap og digitale løsninger
1d. Verdikjede for havvind
1e. Bygging og installasjon
1f. Drift og vedlikehold
1g. Kompetanse- og karrieremuligheter
1a. Havvind – Hvorfor, hvem og hvordan
1b. Avtak; Hvor leveres strømmen og hvem selges den til?
1c. Finansiering av havvindprosjekter og støtteordninger
1d. Aktører, verdikjede og kontrakter
1e. HMS og beredskap
1f. Anbudskriteriene for Utsira Nord og SN2
1a. Miljøpåvirkning ved havvind
1b. Grønn omstilling, trippel bunnlinje og energistrategi
1c. Hvordan vurdere miljøpåvirkning
1d. Utredning av miljø- og samfunnsmessige konsekvenser
1e. Livsløpsvurderinger (LCA) og klimagassvurderinger
1f. Miljørisikovurderinger
1g. Tiltak for å redusere miljøfotavtrykk
1h. Avhending
1i. Sameksistens eller samarbeid?
1j. Kontroverser – hvordan løse disse?
Course overview
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