We are introducing the vocational school programme «Management for the accommodation and hospitality industry», a sought-after programme that will meet the need for management skills in the industry.
We are introducing the vocational school programme «Management in the accommodation and hospitality industry», a sought-after programme that will meet the need for management skills in the tourism industry.
Join our interest list now to be notified when the programme is set up near you!
Tailor-made to increase expertise in the tourism industry
Tourism is currently the world’s fastest-growing industry, and Norway is experiencing a record influx of travellers. The growing demand for tourism services underlines the need for specialised expertise in the accommodation and hospitality industry, with an emphasis on maintaining a high level of service. AOF Vestlandet-Agder meets this need by offering continuing education programmes tailored to improve the skills of skilled workers in the tourism industry.
The programme is designed to prepare you to handle administrative and management tasks at a high level within the industry. We work closely with the industry to ensure that the programme is practical and relevant, so that you are well-equipped to meet the challenges and demands of the tourism industry.
Management in the accommodation and hospitality industry – 30 credits
The vocational school programme «Management for the accommodation and hospitality industry» gives you 30 credits. The vocational school programme has been developed in collaboration with the tourism industry, for skilled workers. Expected outcomes include knowledge of tourism concepts, legislation and market development, as well as skills in recruitment, administration, finance and sustainable operations. You will also learn about marketing strategies, digitalisation and innovation.
Who is the programme for?
This programme is for those who work in the accommodation and hospitality industry and want to develop and strengthen their skills. The programme is particularly suitable for those who are looking for current and future-oriented formal expertise that is in demand in the industry. The programme will equip you to take on new responsibilities or even start your own business within the industry.
The vocational school programme will also be relevant for those who are already responsible for tasks for which they have no formal expertise and who want to secure their position by acquiring the right training.
Join our interest list now to be notified when the programme is set up near you!
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