Hovedkontor Haugesund
Haraldsgata 190 5525 Haugesund
Avdelingskontor Bergen
Bredalsmarken 15 5006 Bergen
Avdelingskontor Kristiansand
Kjøita 21 4630 Kristiansand S
Avdelingskontor Stavanger
Richard Johnsens gate 4 4021 Stavanger

Latest news

Welcome to our news page! Here you will find the latest updates and current news from home and abroad. We want to keep you informed with reliable and up-to-date information. Happy reading!

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An inspiring stay in Brussels

Last week we, Adeleine, Hanna and Helene, gathered at Elzenhof Elsene in Brussels, together with a great group of women from all over Europe, to take part in the Erasmus+ programme “Creating and maintaining safe spaces in adult education.” Throughout the week, we explored the complex concept of safe spaces and how this affects adult education.

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Vocational school

New programme in tourism: Management in the accommodation and hospitality industry

AOF Vestlandet-Agder has developed a new vocational school programme to strengthen management skills in the tourism industry. The programme, called “Management in the accommodation and hospitality industry”, is tailored to meet the growing need for skilled managers in this dynamic and challenging sector.

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Vocational school

Noémi (48) got a taste for vocational school education

Increased self-development is very important to Noémi. Even when she was told that she was overqualified for the vocational school programme Children with Special Needs, she wanted to take the programme to increase the competence of vulnerable children.


Mohammad (36) fled war – today he has a management job

In 2014, Mohammad Mustafa Bazou made the most difficult decision of his life. He fled his home country, Syria. In 2019, the 36-year-old passed two vocational certificates after completing courses at AOF Vestlandet-Agder, and today he is a line manager at Hennig Olsen Is. Mohammad was one of the employees at Hennig Olsen Is in […]

Health sciences
Vocational school

Creating a more inclusive society through education

The vocational school programme “Positive Behavioural Support” (PAS) gives developmentally disabled, autistic and other vulnerable groups a new lease of life. AOF Vestlandet-Agder offers the programme – and is happy to facilitate it for municipalities.

Health sciences

Working together to give vulnerable groups a better life

– “We strongly believe in Positive Behavioural Support (PAS), and we think it’s great to be involved in facilitating more people getting this vocational training,” says HR Manager at “Solstein” Jan Olav Sørli. The Karmøy-based organisation is providing free classrooms for AOF Vestlandet-Agder.


AOF Vestlandet-Agder certified as Eco-Lighthouse – a great day for sustainability and local communities

AOF Vestlandet-Agder has reached an important milestone in our sustainability work, as we have today been officially certified as an Eco-Lighthouse. This marks an important step in our work for a greener and more environmentally friendly future. The certification was solemnly handed over by Mayor Nils Konrad Bua during a ceremony at our head office in Haugesund. Head of Industry Annette Sæther was also present.


Together for a good cause

This year we had the great pleasure of taking part in the Pink Ribbon campaign – a significant effort to raise awareness of breast cancer and support research in the field. All of our offices participated and we gathered a total of 60 committed participants – a great mix of staff, teachers and students.

Observation and care of wounds - a vocational school programme tailored for those who already work in the healthcare sector and want to expand their expertise in wounds and wound care.
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Vocational school

Vocational training in observation and care of wounds

We now offer the vocational school programme “Observation and care of wounds”, which is tailored for those who already work in healthcare and want to expand their expertise in wounds and wound care.