We are launching a new vocational training module in Electric Power Transport – «Transport of electric power over long distances». This programme is tailored to meet the demand from the Norwegian energy sector, which has a growing need for increased expertise in the transport of electrical power over long distances.
Developed with business in focus
AOF Vestlandet-Agder has always been responsive to the business community’s need for expertise. Our partners in the energy sector have expressed a need for training and new expertise in this area. This programme will go into depth on the various aspects of electrical power transport, including different types of cables and equipment, as well as the possibilities and limitations of different concepts. The programme is in line with the adopted business and innovation strategy for Rogaland.
Electric power transport – 10 credits.
The vocational school module «Electric power transport – Transport of electric power over large distances» provides 10 credits. The programme provides an introduction to the construction of transmission lines and cables at both national and regional level, as well as knowledge of application processes and licences that must be in place before construction can begin. You will gain an understanding of transport needs, energy production, energy losses in transmission, as well as insight into the necessary equipment and cables. Environmental considerations, sustainability and safety will also be key topics in the programme.
Who is the programme for?
The vocational school module is suitable for those who want to strengthen their skills and work with the transport of electrical power, whether you already work in the field or want a career in this direction. Admission requires completion and passing of upper secondary education with a vocational certificate as an electrician, electrical repairer, energy fitter, energy operator, maritime electrician or switchboard fitter. Applicants who are 23 years of age or older in the year of admission may also be assessed on the basis of equivalent prior learning, including both formal and informal skills acquired through schooling, work experience and leisure activities.
Join our interest list now to be notified when the programme is set up near you!
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